It's the end of another year, Royal Family and I'd just like to Thank God! He has kept me! I've had losses this year; I've also had wins. I've had stresses, disappointments; I've also had some great accomplishments. Explored uncharted territories. Witnessed some beautiful moments. Had some painful cries; and some huge laughs. But all of that has made me: Me! My biggest accomplishment this year was learning to love myself more than trying to satisfy someone else. It will sound like a simple thought but, I learned & commissioned myself to practice: that if I am not 100% happy, I need to remove myself. It takes a lot of strength... but it's necessary for your own happiness! The highlight of my year was spending quality time with my family: Whether we were crying together, laughing together, or praying together, We were together! I pray that every year that follows will be full of the same! My goal for 2016 is to be filthy rich! Rich in adventure, in health, in knowledge, in wealth, in laughter, in family & in love. Thank you for making Regalia Lifestyle a part of your year!
Come back in 2016! I promise: I have so much in store for you all to see! I'll take you along with me on all my adventures! SWEET '16 Royals! And here's my final word to you: Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place next year as you are today. Love, Queen Es!
And just like that, Royal Family! The Holiday Season is coming to a close! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I'm blessed to have lots of family time year round.. The only difference is at Christmastime, we exchange a lot more gifts and there are no schedule restrictions! All Day Fun! Little known fact about me: I LOVE WRAPPING GIFTS! Whether it's a birthday, a just because, or a holiday, I let my creativity go wild and I usually come up with a once in a lifetime 'Outfit for my Gifts'! Here are some of my past work! I have been using this unique method of wrapping for YEARS! (Over 15 years) I do not ever use holiday printed paper... I just like to make it up as I go along! I have made my own gift wrap from sheets of construction paper, taped together; I have used selfies taken thru the year as labels! So many cool ideas... This year it was black & white stripe paper and blue ribbon I added the brown paper as an ode to what I'm used to doing! And that's how Christmas was won! lol Let your creativity work!
But most of all, bring smiles to the faces of all those that you love! Have a Happy Holiday Season! xoxo Royals! Every queen needs a "Catch-All" pocketbook! It's that bag that has everything you might possibly need on a daily basis! Somehow, these bags end up with pens, lotions, old receipts, a notebook, maybe a snack, so many coins at the bottom, mint.... you name it! This year, I got mine in H&M! It's the perfect caramel color Because it goes with almost everything in my closet! About three weeks after purchasing this bag, I was in Zara and spotted this bag accessory that matched my bag perfectly! The combination looks like it was sold as a set! There are many colors to try!
Go Ye Out, Royals! Exercise YOUR creativity! Show me what you come up with! *Hint: Makes a great gift!* Can you believe it?! A year ago today, I turned my idea into an actuality! Running the idea by my friends & loved ones-- I was lucky, because: they all encouraged me to go full-steam ahead! My plan for this blog was to give you a peek inside some of what matters most to me. Fashion. Home Decor. Food. Beauty. and everything in between. From my living room to the caribbean, from my closet to any restaurant I have made sure to remember how much my readers mean to me & how much I enjoy sharing with you all. It is my hope that you will all tag along for more years to come!
If there's something you want to see, let me know! Feel free to drop me a line! I look forward to hearing from you all! Meeting you all! & Growing with you all! Stay Royal! Love, Queen Es I've missed you MY ROYAL FAMILY!!! It seems like no matter how well we try to plan our year-- December is the month that things go crazy & it's a mad dash into holiday gatherings, festivities & just taking care of business before year end! Well, now it seems the smoke has cleared! I have a firm grip on my life again-- I call it: Organized Chaos! Many changes have happened in my life. I've experienced some losses, but thank God! I'm experiencing some gains! I now know what this quote truly means: "My entire life can be described in one sentence: it didn't go as planned & that's ok" Let's try to remember, during this Christmas season-- That yes, we love the gift giving and getting-- but remember to cherish the ones u love! Prove your love! Spread the love! And most importantly, Keep Christ in Christmas! Be thankful to God for all you have! PS-- I'm addicted to SnapChat!
I post photos and videos All Day! Every Day! Join Me: @TheQueenEsmari Outfit Details on my Instagram! Royals! It's so good to be back!!! See you all very soon!!! Queen |
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