Throughout my life, I have always chosen to learn from what seemed like pitfalls and mistakes.
I've chosen to become stronger after coming face to face with something that could have knocked the wind out of me. Not that I was never affected! But after I realized the unexpectedness of the situation-- I decided to allow it to build my character. Lessons have been painful to learn! But I'm glad I survived the hurt! I survived the hurt! Hurt from people who I expected to be there and they weren't! Hurt from people who I helped when they were in need, but absent when I needed help! Hurt from people who said they would root for me, but hid their face on game day! Hurt from people who knew I wasn't ready, but pushed me out on stage anyway! Hurt from people who said they loved me to my face, but spoke pure hate behind my back! Hurt from people who were supposed to love me but chose to hurt me! But I survived the hurt! I have many scars but I've survived! As we become better friends, I'll share more details about the journey to becoming this Queen inside and out! For now, I'll encourage you-- You can survive the hurt!!! Have a Fabulous and Royal 2015! Outfit details: Dress and Shoulder Accents- eBay finds!
After the hustle and bustle of the city streets of NY, there is my retreat: Home.
I have made my home into a comfortable sanctuary. As time goes on, I'll show you more of how I transformed my space to fit my 'Royal' needs and 'Queenly' style! (Outfit details: Sweater, Shirt and Skirt- Forever 21) Long story, short.. I was named after a woman in the Bible. For years, I didn't like my name. People told me that it was 'an old white lady's name'. It wasn't until people started to call me 'Queen' as a nickname that I began to embrace it.
Queen? Who me? Oh! Hey! Not only did I begin to love my name, I fell in love with all things 'Royal'. Take this journey with me and we will explore how we can all be royal! Fashion, Home Decor, Food, Beauty, DIY, Wellness and so much more! Nice to meet you! I'm Esther. |
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