Hey Royals! What did you do this Tuesday?! lol My darling cousin and best friend, Richard invited me to join him and his staff for their 'end of year' soiree atop the Dream Hotel @ PhD in Midtown. Of course, we take in the drinks... And needless to say-- we took in the view of the Manhattan skyline! There's nothing like it! Hope you enjoyed the view as well! Lol See you on our next adventure around the city..or country.. or world! Love,
Queen Es
Hey Royals! Do you follow me on SnapChat? I'm on there every chance I get! I love playing with the filters. Check these cute pictures out. Get to know me better,
Join the fun-- TheQueenEsmari Helloooooo Royals! If you follow me on SnapChat and Instagram, I'm sure you know that I went to Miami a few weeks ago! My cousin Richard and I had a blast!!! Would you like a recap?! Here it is!!! I hope you smile like I just did reliving the moments! I also grabbed a few of the SnapChat videos for you to see This was the first cousin's trip for Me and Richard,
but believe me, it will not be the last! SO! MUCH! FUN!!! I hope you enjoyed the recap! Love, Queen Es Hey Royals! Meeting of the Minds Radio Show was birthed from the mind of my good friend: Uwayne 'Andre' Turnbull I've known him since childhood! I've always admired his tenacity! He had his wife, Jackie have been such true friends of mine Supporting me whether people see them or not. That's what made it even easier when he called me to be a part of his radio show! As a frequent contributor to the show, Our live broadcasts have allowed us to discuss so many topics! From Pop Culture, Current Events, Physical Ideals and so much more!!! This past week, we started talking about 'Church Hurt' It is a hurt that is different from any other hurt in the world... There are a group of people that have no idea what this is or what it feels like... And then, there are those of us that know the feeling of church hurt all too well. This past Saturday's show was about us... What it is.. How we deal.. and How we know when enough is enough. We only got to skim the surface, But I am sure that we will unpack so much more in the weeks to come. I will continue to post on my social media pages when we will be going live! I hope you make the time to tune in! With love, Queen Es PS- I think this picture is cool but
I'm more of a Biggie fan than a Tupac fan-- the space in front of Biggie's face was occupied. I realized today: I don't think I've ever gotten past the East Cost vs West Coast rivalry. LOL #BrooklynBaby |
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