Well, Happy New Year!!!
I take ridiculously long breaks from blogging.. Sometimes I don't know if it's because I'm too busy or too private! Today, I got the urge to share something and this is the safest place to do it: 2017 is over! That phrase is bittersweet! It brings both a peacefulness and a streak of sadness. I had my fair share of ups and downs in 2017... Happiness, Heartbreak, Loss, Joy, Anger, Love, Hate, Hopefulness, Disappointment, Heartbreak again, Frustration, Surprise, Disappointment again, Peace, Joy again, Loss again... While going through the year, I knew I was on one hell of a ride, but it wasn't until December that I looked back and was in total shock! All of that happened in 12 months?! My mind works in song lyrics and movie lines! lol -- Cue the Sex and the City movie scene: Carrie and Miranda were reading the Vogue Magazine article that had been printed after 'Big' ditched Carrie at the altar. The Editor's Note at the end of the article said: "Carrie is still single and living in New York City." So the same can be said for me. On Fridays, I've been sharing with Snap Chat and Instagram Stories little known facts about me! Here's one exclusive for my online Royals: Heartbreak gets me down but I spring back so quickly! It's the instant shock that throws me, but almost immediately: I am reminded of how valuable I am! And I adjust my crown! And keep it pushing!!! (cue Rihanna: Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?! Lol) As a single woman, I don't battle with loneliness. I don't battle with my biological clock ticking. I don't feel like I have to settle. I don't feel like I have to respond to every invite. I also don't feel like I am lost and need to 'find myself' or 'get to know me'. Those aren't the thoughts that dance through my mind. Want to know which thoughts are doing the mental cartwheels? Will the man God sends to me know how to pray? Will he know how to play? Will he hug me with just enough pressure for me to think I'm being attacked by a bear? Lol! Will this guy honor me? Will he be honest with me? Can I trust him? Will he surprise me with a handwritten note to remind me of how much I mean to him? My 2018 has already begun in a stress-free mode! I am still working in a field that I am passionate about! My Regalia Lifestyle products are already aligned to reach greater heights! And as India.Aire sung: I am ready for love! I am very hopeful that for every prayer I've sent up and For every plan I've written: God will come through for me in major ways! So! Until we chat again! Stay Royal! Let me know if you enjoyed this post: Leave me the crown emoji under this photo on Instagram and Facebook.
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